Executive Insights session

Conversations that Win

According to sales managers surveyed by SiriusDecisions, your salespeople's inability to articulate value is the #1 reason they're missing their quota…and you're missing your growth targets. 

“We are excited for 2014, as more B2B companies and industry analysts recognize that improving customer conversations are the design point for increasing sales effectiveness.”  Tim Riesterer

Tim Riesterer, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Corporate Visions, will discuss how to…

  • Overcome the “no decision” trap by developing messages that create a buying vision for your prospects and a sense of urgency for them to change, change now, and change with you.
  • Equip your salespeople with the business and financial acumen they need to justify that vision to CXO decision-makers.
  • Protect and maximize your margins by creating and capturing value throughout the entire sales cycle.

You’ll get a free copy of Tim's best-selling book, Conversations That Win the Complex Sale, just for showing up!

Session agenda

  • 09.30 a.m.       Registration
  • 10.00 a.m. Tim Riesterer "Conversations that Win"
  • 12.00 p.m.   Lunch
  • 01.00 p.m. Best Practice examples
  • 02.00 p.m.       Official end of session

Date & Location

25hours Hotel The Goldman, Frankfurt am Main
June 5, 9:30 AM to 2 PM 
